Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll

Inside the marshes



Isaac Levitan

i was strolling the forest one evening

as green shadows deepened into black

following deer and blackbirds

on my way


one june evening i met

ladybirds in waiting

subterranean bugs upon a hill

passing junipers

all in green i was

that deepening night



you were there

in the marshes 

heron spread her wings

hissed and called out

shadows turned

and before night

i came to you


one june evening

i met ladybirds in waiting

subterranean bugs upon a hill

following deer and blackbirds

on my way



© Anders Enochsson 2020


Jenny sa…
Beautiful and poignant poem! I love the quiet but still intense mood.
Lise sa…
I really loved this!
Anders sa…
Thanks Jenny and Lise!
Jenny sa…
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Jenny sa…
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